Title: Larger Near the Horizon Rating: R Summary: Written for libgirl and using a spittingink prompt of 'moon'. Other Notes: AU-ish, I think. Or pre-TTTYG. Or both! It came out a little gen at first, but I'm sure there's something slashy in there somewhere… Word Count: ~2,400 Disclaimer None of this is real and no money is being made from the writing of this fic
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Title: A Thousand Nights Before He Sleeps Pairing: Pete/Patrick [FOB]. Rating: PG Summary: Fairy tale AU written for the spittingink prompt of 'a thousand'. Gen-ish in nature. Word Count: ~5,600 Disclaimer None of this is real and no money is being made from the writing of this fic. xposted to fic_mania | spittingink | patrickxpeter.
Title: Locus Iste a Deo Factus Est Author: inabasket Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Unreal! Character(s): Adam Lazzara, John Nolan Word Count: 4,252 Prompt: a thousand (for spittingink ) Summary: John is Adam's conscience.